Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2nd Anniversary

Good Morning to All! :)

Two years and a day ago, I was blessed enough to marry the world's best driver, a baseball loving trash taker-outer, a omelet making comedian, and the best vodka drink maker in all the land!
Anddd after 2 years I still wouldn't trade him for anything! :) Because he is the best thing that has ever happen to me! 

Happy Anniversary to us!

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 photo image-110.jpg  photo image-106.jpg  photo image-107.jpg  photo DSC04250-1.jpg  photo DSC00319.jpg  photo DSCN0288.jpg


  1. Awww... you guys are so cute:) He sounds like a real catch!! Happy happy anniversary!

  2. How sweet! Happy Anniversary! {I may have spent the last 45 minutes creeping all over your blog- love it!}

  3. So sweet!! Love the pictures, especially that first one. It’s beautiful. I hope you have that one hanging up somewhere in your house!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Great pictures!

  5. Aww happy anniversary!

    Also this is off topic but you have AMAZING hair- have you done any posts on the products you use? This curly haired girl is always looking for new products!!
